Monday, March 5, 2012

Please Help Me Decide

I'm drowning in books.

Since January 31, I've won a total of 31 books from various giveaways. Since I'm slightly, shall we say, particular about organizing things, I've made a list of all the books I've been winning in an Excel spreadsheet. I have the title and author, the date I won the book, the date I physically received the book and whether or not it's a published copy or an ARC. ( Obsessive much?)

What can I say I like to keep organized.

Thankfully, a lot of these will help me fill in slots for my 12x12 challenge on Goodreads. The trouble is, I don't know which one to start with first. I'm almost done with the book I'm reviewing for an author and then I have one more short ebook and then it's on to this massive pile that I've been accumulating.

 I was thinking of going in order either from the date won, or from the date I actually received the book. What do you all think? What order should I read all these books in?


emaginette said...

Put names in a hat, and pull one out at a time. :-)

Dalene @ A Date with a Book said...

I like the pulling out of a hat, but sometimes you're just not in the mood. I would choose three possible why you're reading the others, and then when you're finished, choose depending on your mood.

Melissas Midnight Musings said...

Thanks for the ideas! Is it bad if I cheat and use instead of a hat? LOL