Thursday, June 14, 2012

Behind the Blog# 6: Academic for Life

Behind The Blog is a meme to help bloggers connect their life and interests to the content showcased on their blog. The co-hosts Faye Kathe and Melissa will provide a different topic, idea, or question every week that bloggers can relate to themselves and the books, films, or media they find interesting!

While people in some parts of the world are reaching the end of their academic year, others are just beginning. How did you perform in school as a child, and how has that changed? Are you book smart or street smart? What are the best and worst experiences you had in school?
Regarding books: Have any novels changed the way you think of academics or made you wish you studied at a certain school or in a certain world? Have any films done the same?

As a child, I did relatively well in school. There were always certain subjects I struggled with, mainly math and some of the more advanced sciences (mostly because they involve complicated math!) Other than that, I did well, getting mostly A's and B's and only a couple of C's throughout my K-12 years.

 In college, once I found my stride and really once I declared my major, I did fabulously. Once I knew that I was going to major in Sociology, about halfway through my second year, I got straight A's each term after that. Even in statistics! (Ironically, I really loved statistics and it was really easy for me after all my years of struggling with math.)

With that said, I'm definitely more book smart than street smart. I'm nerdy and I know it. I always have my head stuck in a book. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of common sense, to be sure, but there are just some types of things l don't know how to do. Everyone is really a mix of the two, but I'd say i'm definitely further into the book smart camp.

My best experiences in school were probably my years in university as a whole. I think this was because I was the one in charge of my education. There were the guidelines I had to follow for my degree of course, but I was the one choosing which classes I had to take to fulfill them. I didn't have to take a class just because someone else said so.

One of my worst school experiences happened my sophomore year in college. I had to take Math 1, the only math requirement other than statistics for my degree (go arts degrees!). The first negative was that the class was only once a week for three hours. At night. Night classes on the whole aren't that bad. I'm a night owl, to be sure, but for the purposes of schooling, I'd much rather learn earlier in the day and have my nights to relax.

Add to this the fact that my professor was absolutely bananas crazy and you'll see why I wanted to rip my hair out. For someone who's already hesitant about math, it was really difficult to sit there and listen to him go off topic to a ton of different subjects including but not limited to why superheros are the coolest people on the planet and why we should all listen to the power of lightning when it speaks to us, while chanting and rubbing his lightning necklace. And then to try and keep up with the math that he's supposed to be teaching us when he suddenly throws in mini organic chemistry and physics lessons because he has to teach them to us because he knows we aren't going to take them, to confuse us even more and my head just wanted to explode.

This class was one of the very few where I actually got angry and spoke out in a negative way directly to a professor. Also, he didn't get a very glowing end of term review either.

Books and Films:

There are quite a few books that have made me want to study at a certain school or in a certain world and I'm sure it's easy to guess which ones I'm referring to.

Who wouldn't want to live in a castle and learn magic, right?

I actually think it's because of Harry Potter that I have an entire Goodreads shelf  labeled "boarding school" dedicated to books where the characters go to boarding schools. I know what it is but I really like the idea of living at school. 

I'll always love academia. I never want to stop learning. Eventually, I'm hoping to go back to school to get a Master's degree, but even when I end up finishing that I'll just continue to take classes, just for fun. I'm a lifetime academic, that's for sure.

Don't Forget!

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Are you joining us? Here are our rules:

  • The hosts' Behind the Blog posts go live at midnight on Friday, GMT+0:00. Feel free to post before that, just link up on Friday!
  • Feel free to make use of the button shown above, or if it clashes with your blog colours e-mail us or make your own.
  • Read, write, and connect! The Linky is there for you. Make use of it!
  • Last but not least, have fun


Anonymous said...

I loved maths in primary school. It was all downhill after that. I had to do statistics as well, but unlike you, I loathed it - it made no sense to me. It's weird that you hate maths but don't mind statistics!

So agree with you on the getting to choose the subjects YOU want to do instead of the ones that you HAVE to do!

My English grandparents have the motto "Learn something new everyday". I want to be like that, never losing my desire to learn and question and investigate - and it sounds like you're exactly the same. :-D

Melissas Midnight Musings said...


I know, completely weird, right? I don't know why, but the formulas for stats just clicked for me somehow and I liked it.

Learning something new every day is definitely something I want to do too. :)